Monday, May 14, 2018


Let Me Lie  by Claire Mackintosh (2018)

           "Holy Twist-From-Hell!  I stayed up so late reading "Let Me Lie", I missed taking my kid to her dialysis appointment!  If only she'd lived, she'd have loved the killer twist at the end!".......New York Times Best Selling author Karen McMurder ("I Died 5 Times")

           "Quit your job, divorce your spouse and sell your kids off to Iranian sex-traffickers.....cause this book's going to take up all your time and leave you breathless as a 85 year old heavy smoker!" selling author Harlen ColdCase ("I'm Not Dead Yet")

              "When I reached the book's devastating climax, I convulsed into multiple orgasms.......then I turned off 'Fifty Shades Freed' and went back to reading the book" selling author Fiona Postmortem ("Drop Dead My Darling")

              "I haven't been so stunned and surprised since my husband told me he's had affairs with three men and our golden retriever in the last six years" selling author Rita Mortis ("I'm Alive, You Dumb Bastard")

               You get the idea, right?

               When you read stuff like this on the back cover of the latest thriller, take it in with more than one grain of salt........

                Not that we're complaining much about all the WTF twists in "Let Me Lie" which a young single mom discovers that the identical suicides of her parents.........involve.....uh......more than meets the eye.

                They're goofy, outrageous and fun enough........we guess.

               In books like this, with their jack-in-the-box plots, that's as far as we go without spoiling it for anybody......

               But we will say this much.........the grinding mechanics of all these twists force the lead characters into ridiculous, senseless behavior, especially in the big wham-bam movie-ready climax.

                And that last little sting the author delivers in the book's final sentence.........

                Not impressed.  Since it assigns complete out-of-character behavior for the sake of a last-sentence shocker.  It's nothing but a practical joke joy buzzer pressed into your hand before you close the book.

               We'll exhume 2 stars (**) and that's mainly for a touching parallel subplot about a retired detective and his long suffering mentally ill wife. They're both driven to perplexed distraction by the confused behavior of the lead characters.

               So were we.

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