Sunday, May 13, 2018


            Happy Mother's Day to one and all......and a fond shout-out to our most beloved moms.....

             Mama Gorgo.......who stomps London to retrieve her baby who's been captured and sold to a circus.  Think of it as "Taken".....only with Liam Neeson replaced by a 200 foot tall pissed off  lizard. She will find you and she will kill you. (And her particular set of skills mostly involves stepping on you.....)

             Mrs. Elanor Shaw Iselin (Angela Lansbury in "The Manchurian Candidate")........using her brainwashed-assassin son to...."sweep us into the White House with powers that will make martial law look like anarchy."     In other words, when she says "Because I said so...", you better believe she's not kiddin' around.....

              The Alien Queen.........a damn shame that the studio did not supply subtitles for her......cause when Sigourney Weaver calls her a bitch, you can clearly hear the A.Q. mutter under her breath (in Alien-Speak)...."oh no you didn't..."

              Lily Dillon (Angelican Huston in "The Grifters")........who briskly moves on with her life after accidentally cutting her son's throat with a broken glass shard........proof positive of the resiliency of motherhood......this is one mom who never gets a Hallmark card......

              Lenore Davies (Sharon Farrell in "It's Alive!).......for her wonderful primal screams in the Delivery Room.....right after her newborn kills all her doctors and nurses and then bites off its own umbilical cord........sad that such an incident wasn't covered in "What To Expect When You're Expecting."

               Mother Bates (Anthony Perkins & mummy in "Psycho")   A boy's best friend is his mother.   And no one scrubs a bathroom more spic 'n span.........

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