Monday, May 7, 2018


It (2017)   Yeah,'s scary good fun for the horror movie faithful fans......make ya jump every two minutes, yada, yada.......(you should know us by now....we don't want to cover the same ground that no doubt 8 million other reviewers and bloggers have posted on this already....)

              After finally catching up with "It"'s the thing......

               Derry, the Douchebag it just us noticing this......that every adult in this movie is a raging asshole.  We suppose that's a super way to further isolate our vulnerable bunch of pre-teen heroes....have them simultaneously bedeviled by their repulsive parents and the demonic Clown bouncing back and forth between Pence and Trump.

               We're guessing Pennywise rises up in this town every 27 years for no other reason than to thin out its ever-burgeoning population of creeps, pederasts, bullies and generally unpleasant people......presumably, he snacks on the kids for dessert.....

               King-Bullies!  Let's hand it to Stephen King right here......nobody, but nobody creates more vicious, hateful school-age bullies than the King-inator.  And the filmmakers certainly understood that King's bullies are every bit as psychopathic, relentless and monstrous as whatever supernatural creature is laying waste to the sweet, gentle characters we come to love.

                We hope that one day, some studio will create an "Avengers/Justice League" assemblage of Stephen King bullies and pit them against Josh Brolin so most of them can be reduced to dust........(we can dream, can't we?)

                Rudy Giuliani & Pennywise:  A Super-Villain & his Alter-Ego?   What a perfect time to view this the end of a mad, mad,, mad, mad weekend of Rudy-Mania.  Couldn't help noticing all the similarities........Rudy and Pennywise are both world-class liars, whose eyes periodically pop out of their heads as they bare their teeth and spin their fantasies........both untrustworthy clowns who make no sense at all.......the only difference between them.......Pennywise is an actual monster, while Rudy merely sold his soul to one.....

                For "It" and Pennywise, we'll blow up 3 red balloons (***).......for Rudy Giuliani in his new role as Mob Boss shyster.......we proudly declare him the 2nd recipient of the BQ's most sacred honorary award.......yes, Rudy, you get the BQ's one and only AFH.... ABOMINATION FROM HELL.......the only award that comes with a book of Taco Bell coupons and a window seat on any Southwest Airlines flight of your choice. Enjoy!


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