Saturday, May 12, 2018


               What's truly daunting..........thinking about what amount of time it will take for the United States to heal from from the vile stain of Baby Orange and his scuttling little minions.....

                 Melania Trump's "Be Best" Campaign     In between bouts of choked laughter, we'll say this much........Melania's like a character created by an especially angry satirist......and somehow given flesh-and-blood form......a virtual reality political cartoon.

               Pence praises Joe Arpaio......Reciting his own special prayer...."blessed be convicted criminals.....for they shall inherit the earth...."

                White House aide on John McCain: "He's dying anyway...."     This woman would have been a perfect choice to sit at the SPECTRE board meetings in James Bond films.  What she doesn't realize, of course, is that sooner or later, Baby Orange, sitting at the head of the table, will push the button that electrifies her chair and fries her to a crisp......

                In answer to the question: Why does that White House aide still have a job......No one who's watched and suffered through the nightmare of the Baby Orange "presidency" should even waste time asking that question.......Baby Orange and all the parasites who've attached themselves to him work day and night to drag the country back into some prehistoric primordial ooze.  Anyone who'd expect an apology or a sense of shame from these creatures.......must be floating in the same bubble as Melania.......


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