Friday, May 4, 2018


Memo From :   The Beached Quill

To:  All Baby Orange Minions, Lawyers,  Surrogates, Hangers-On, Apologizers, Spin-Doctors and Assorted Ass-Kissers

Subject:   Danger Warning - History is coming........

                 We know you've all chosen to 'live in the moment', as they say.........but you might want to stop and think ahead to more than 8 hours at a time........

                  You do know that eventually, your Dear Leader will be driven from office, either by the voters or more likely.....impeachment. ....

                 And all the ways in which you debased, diminished and humiliated yourselves will be held up to the glaring searchlights of history......

                 Like cockroaches caught in the middle of the kitchen floor after the lights get switched on, you'll scurry to hide under the floorboards, but the bug spray of reality will hit you hard....and  lay you low.

                And some of you won't even make it that'll have already been hurled into the abyss (or thrown under the bus....or whatever metaphor works for you best)......

                Like so many poor souls before you, it'll dawn on you too late that you've been sacrificed as disposable waste by a soulless psychopath who thinks only of his own self-preservation......

               We strongly suggest you re-watch "Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom".......notice that poor wailing sucker who has his beating heart pulled out of his chest by the madman Mola Ram? Just before ole Mola drops him into a pit of boiling lava?

                That's you.

                Remember Mola Ram desperately scrambling up the remnants of the collapsed bridge? Remember how he throws a few of his own terrified swordsmen off the ladder, hurling the hapless screaming minions into the jaws of the crocodiles below?

                They're you.

                Or, if you prefer a more modern can think of yourselves as SPECTRE employees serving Ernst Stavro Blofeld in the Bond movies......

                Remember the little chess-master ferret in "From Russia With Love"?  Who thought he was enormously clever in the service of his master......until he caught a poisoned knife blade jammed into his ankle........

                That's you.

                There's countless other examples in these movies......or devoted shlubs who end up shot, blown up and have their eyes gouged out for not adequately serving the Boss.

                 You get the idea.

                 So we ask you to think this've already destroyed your professional reputations and you're facing a long road back to humanity, civility and common decency........some of you won't even enjoy the option of rehabilitating yourselves..... as you're led away in handcuffs.....

                We highly recommend you think a little past tomorrow.........remember what John Travolta's paint store boss warned him at the beginning of "Saturday Night Fever".....(right after we hear Travolta dismissively toss off, "....fuck the future!"

                 "You don't fuck the future, Tony. The future fucks YOU...."

                  You folks are facing the future. Sooner than later.

                                                                 The BQ


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