Wednesday, May 23, 2018


                 An over achiever, to be sure......

                 Normally, it takes a lifetime of malignancy to win BQ's coveted Abomination From Hell award..........we're talkin' Trump-level evil.......

                  But this kid, an instagram/youtube sensation who goes by name 'Lil Tay', careened into our radar via a story this morning on 'Good Morning America'.....

                  The GMA reporter could barely conceal her utter disgust.

                 Neither could we.

                 And that's why we're illustrating this post with the Id Monster from "Forbidden Planet" instead of any image of the so-called 'Lil Tay'............this pathetic little kid and her primary repulsive enabler, her mother, are hooked on the opioid of social media fame.

                This addiction to media attention renders them no different than the worst emaciated, ruined creatures crawling around on the floor of a crack house.

                So no images........which, to a soulless, empty vessel like Lil Tay's mom, is akin to death itself.....

                Our photo is far more accurate anyway........'Lil Tay's peculiar shtick is to carry on like a mini-Id, behaving like a midget rapper......screaming out four letter words, sticking her face in the camera with mock attitude, flinging around piles of cash like a dope dealer in an urban action movie......

               Naturally, the roiling inferno of fellow Ids wasting their lives away on twitter and instagram responded with the expected explosion of vile hatred directed at the child, with vicious insults bubbling up higher in the air than the lava in Hawaii.......

                What a sorry, nauseating spectacle...........for everyone except Lil Tay and her mom, no doubt delighted with the numbers of clicks and comments they're getting.

                After all, what difference does it make what they say about long as they're saying something......then you're validated.

                 BQ now offers hearty congratulations to both Lil Tay and her Mom-From-Hell.......we award you both with our rarely given "Abomination From Hell"  award.

                You've more than earned it. We can only hope and pray that in addition to your blighted followers, you've also captured the attention of Social Services..........


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