Saturday, May 5, 2018


Yor, The Hunter From The Future (1983)    In the midst of the horrors of current events, what a great way to cheer ourselves up........

               Cheesy madness doesn't get any better (or joyously weirder) than this........

                Multiple, multiple awards to bestow........oh,, where to begin....

                Best Director For A Movie That Starts Out Prehistoric And Turns Into Sci-Fi Complete With Frickin' Laser Beams......Anthony M. Dawson, a.k.a. Antonio Margheriti.......forget Sylvester Stallone......Dawson's the real Italian Stallion of Cinema, pumping out close to 60 movies of every genre's a's a's Euro-Corman!

                 Best Hunka-Hunka Burnin' Pecs.....Reb Brown, the very first guy to play Captain America.....(in movies that cost less than catering budget of any Marvel film)......Reb arrives in this movie already looking like an action figure who broke out of his plastic toy store box.....complete with sculpted bod and a wig sheared off from a half off a llama.

                 Best Full-Sized Dinosaur Discarded From "The Muppet Show"   It does get to move its head from side to side before Reb massages it with his trusty club........(causing Reb to scream out to the world as if he's either enjoying a triumphant moment or getting a colonoscopy without sedatives....)

                  Best Smokin' Hot Cave-Girl  Corinne Clery, outfitted in standard designer fur-lined, Jurassic bikini.......more than equal to Raquel Welch in "One Million Years B.C."

                  Best Insanely Idiotic Music At The Most Inappropriate Moments.....To John Scott, for throwing in a screaming chorus every time our boy Reb does a crazy stunt.....woo-hoooo!

                  Best Movie That Suddenly Lurches From Cavemen 'N Clubs to Sci-Fi Villians Named 'Overlords' Armed With Frickin' Laser Beams......No more explanation required.......

                  Best Movie That Could Only Exist In The 1980's.....When People Would Throw Anything Into Their VHS Machines If All The Good Stuff Was Rented Out......and that's why we revel in the cockeyed glory of "Yor"........a movie that's downright sweetly innocent in its complete and total dementia.......3 stars (***)  "Yor" remains ours forever......


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