Wednesday, May 30, 2018


                Madness.  Hatred. Unhinged behavior.  Racial bile spread openly.......

                The metastasizing cancer of Donald Trump has worked its way deep into the fabric of American life.

                 Having lived through 1968, we thought we could survive anything........

                 Now, we're not so sure.  We're not sure how much time it would take to heal a nation's wounds after the plague of Trump is finally eradicated........

                 In displaying the bottomless abyss of his character, Trump's brought out the worst in us.....and it's a frightening daily spectacle that may never stop until either the voters or Robert Mueller put an end to the festering evil......

                 It's as if insanity's been dropped into the water supply along with the flouride.......

                 Breaking news: it wasn't Ambien that forced Roseanne into her career-destroying tweet.......

                 It isn't sunspots, sugary drinks or pilates that has white people breathlessly jumping on to 911 to report black people walking in the neighborhood.......

                  It isn't alcohol, meth or too many multi-vitamins that has people believing in demented conspiracies that, in a more rational time, stayed safely tucked away in the pages of the National Enquirer, read only by mouth-breathers and people looking for a cheap laugh while they waited in the checkout line.........

                   All of this behavior, all of these people feeling unencumbered in releasing their inner demons.....all of it emanates from the ever growing cancerous rot that's infected the White House and threatens to engulf enough of the country in a second civil war........

                   Or maybe it's already happening.......... this creature who wormed his way into power with false promises and outright lies.......he couldn't care less how much violence, chaos and misery he inflicts upon the United States and world........

                   He feels nothing, sees nothing, understands nothing beyond his own overwhelming self-adoration.

                   In 1968, two people who dared to appeal to our better angels, to the best of us, were slaughtered. And a conniving gangster who appealed to no one ascended the Presidency......

                   Once again, the country's being tested to its very limits........with democracy under siege.

                   Can we come through it all again?

                   Stay tuned, stay strong..........and RESIST.


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