Sunday, May 27, 2018


            Never mind the fact that Miss Marple's a fictitious character........

            Never mind thaat fact that Margaret Rutherford, who played Agatha Christie's sleuth Miss Marple would be 126 this year.....if, in fact she's still alive.......

            As Donald Trump would say..........well, you know. a lot of people.....many people are saying that Miss Marple's a real person........ and she's 126 years old........ so she absolutely could have infiltrated our campaign......believe me......      

             He's right. Look at the facts in Murder, She Said (1961)

              Miss M's minding her own business in a train compartment, when she sees a woman strangled in the compartment of a train running on a parralell track........

             Without the benefit of Google Earth, Scotland Yard, The FBI, the NCIS team or MI6, she quickly figures out exactly which country estate the body was dumped at.......

              Better yet, with the speed of a Trump cabinet appointment, she has no trouble inserting herself into the suspected household as a maid.......a one woman spy operation that puts Obama's tapping of Trump's phone to shame........

             And oh what a perfect murder mystery household, like a live-action version of the "Clue" board game.........irascible patriarch, (the lovably irascible British treasure James Robertson Justice) and host of semi-obnoxious family members, begging to be bumped off.....

              Sure enough, some of them are.....except, unfortunately, the family's resident weird child, who sounds like a "Village Of The Damned" kid every time he opens his mouth. (Turns out, we weren't hearing things.....the kid's voice was indeed dubbed in by none other than 'Village' leader Martin Stephens.......we've no idea if this was a really 'in' joke by the producers or the child they hired had laryngitis when it came time to re-record his lines.....)

                We hardly have to explain that Miss Marple quickly identifies, hoodwinks and entraps the killer.......goading the heartless criminal to blurt out the truth........a combination of Trump tweets and Giuliani TV appearances.....

              Margaret Rutherford's a comic gem as Miss we promise you some further fun when we get around to covering the other three films she made in this series, "Murder At The Gallop", "Murder Most Foul" and "Murder Ahoy"......

               But we hold serious doubts as to whether an unearthed Maggie was actually the spy in the Trump campaign..........

               Cause if she was........the Fake Prez would already sport handcuffs.

               4 stars (****) for one undercover operative who really has a clue.

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