Thursday, February 15, 2018


She Rides Shotgun by Jordan Harper (2017)    Fasten your seat belts,'s gonna be a bloody night.......

          What a blast of a read, we couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

          A film version of this would make a far more worthier 'Grindhouse' entry than those two fake movies concocted by Rodriguez and Tarantino ("Planet Terror" and "Death Proof")

           The beauty of this book is that you get the unadulterated adrenalin rush of non-stop action minus the slowdown for the Tarantino pop-culture blah-blah-blah dialogue.

          Nate McCluskey, a badass career criminal, gets sprung from prison on a legal technicality......but not before he has a difference of opinion with a member of the 'Aryan Steel' brotherhood.

           This difference of opinion leaves the Aryan goon dead, which doesn't sit well with the guy's brother, confined in Solitary, but still Chief of the whole gang.

           So Nate walks out into the world with a death sentence imposed not only on him but his ex-wife and 11 year old daughter Polly.

           He's too late to save Polly's mom, but he picks up his shy, withdrawn little girl from school and off they go......with every homicidal biker, meth-head and sociopathic thug in Southern California gunning for them.

            To Nate's total surprise and not a small degree of fear, it turns out Polly is truly her father's daughter, filled with untapped rage and a thirst for cold, calculated vengeance.  As the oddest of teams, father and daughter take the fight directly to the Aryan Steel hoods who run the outside-of-prison operations.

             And the blood flows faster than that tidal wave that cascaded down the hotel hallways in Kubrick's "The Shining"......

             That's as far as we'll go with need to grab yourself a copy right away to take this rollercoaster ride for yourselves.

              After crawling our way through two lugubrious, overpraised so-called 'thrillers' (yes, we mean you "Woman In Cabin 10" and "Into The Water") this book picked us up and slammed us against the wall.

               And oh, how we loved flyin' and tearin' through this one. No question about the rating here......5 stars (*****), a FIND OF FINDS. BQ says get a two handed grip on "She Rides Shotgun" and dive right in, if you dare.

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