Saturday, February 3, 2018


           Some time ago, we had ourselves a jolly time mocking an old 60's made-for-TV movie, "Shadow On The Land" depicted a not too distant future America under the grip of an authoritarian dictatorship.

             Scary premise, no?  Cheesy but fun. Believe it or not, Gene Hackman was in it.

              Now it's starting to resemble a documentary.  Real life. Real terrifying life.

             Baby Orange deployed his chief congressional Minion, a parasitic non-entity named Devin Nunes on a desperate mission to loosen the ever tightening investigative noose around Baby's cheeseburger engorged neck......

              Devin the Minion (who hasn't yet figured out that Baby Orange will toss him off the overcrowded lifeboat in a heartbeat) concocted his infamous 3 & 1/2 page memo.......designed to shake the foundations of the FBI and the Justice Department.

               Yeah, sure it did. Uh-huh.....righto.

               Fellow GOPers also jumped up and down in support, having already decided they no longer serve the United States Of America and its constitution........but merely function as minions in the Mythical Kingdom Of Baby Orange.  (A host of these invertebrates are due for a rude awakening as to which of these countries they're living in,come November of this year.....)

              So there you have our Least Favorite Things for the week.

              Most Favorite Person Of The Week:  John McCain. No truth was ever spoken more bluntly.

             Baby Orange's BFF, the KGB assassin Putin, now sits back and roars with laughter at this sorry democracy-destroying spectacle, happily munching on his Vodka-flavored popcorn......

            And no doubt planning to award Devin Nunes with the Order Of Lenin.

            To all our BQ visitors from outside the U.S........a majority of us Americans are as disgusted, nauseated and unnerved as you are about what's going on here......and make no mistake, a Resistance tsunami is gathering.  We can smell Baby Orange's growing fear and desperation all the way to the 18th hole of his golf course.

            To all our BQ visitors inside the U.S.......go Eagles!  Deflate the Patriots egos the same way they deflate their footballs.......


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