Thursday, February 22, 2018


              How funny is this. How frightening.

              Like a robot in "Westworld", Baby Orange had to be pre-programmed to feign approximate normal human behavior.  With a cheat sheet.

               What a stretch for him.  What a task. Hats off to his put-upon must've been like teaching a chimpanzee to tap dance.

                Didn't last long, though. Baby Orange quickly stepped up the plate and trotted out his favorite fantasy that gives him more wet dreams than all his Playboy Playmates and porn stars combined......

               ..........O.K. Corral-style gun battles between armed teachers and school shooters. Yowza! Hey, why not? Let's use our school hallways to stage all new versions of the last ten minutes of "The Wild Bunch".   Stack up the bodies til they're high as Trump Tower.

                   Meanwhile, far from this madness, in Florida, a growing group of sane, responsible, intelligent citizens cried out for change.....


                    We all remember teenagers, right? The kids who should now be worried about their zits,  their SAT scores, who they're taking to Prom, whether to buy the extra lubricated condoms.......

                   That's stuff from a lost, more innocent age......stuff they've had to put aside. Because, to the shock and surprise of our so-called lawmaking representatives, the teens decided they don't much care for being slaughtered like cattle in their classrooms.

                    The kids have opted for a full lifetime future......uninterrupted by bullets.

                    The GOP, sated like pigs at the trough on NRA donations, stand amazed. Imagine the nerve of these high school punks.......aspiring to something more than the latest piece of meat on a coroner's slab.    Just accept our thoughts and prayers and move on.......

                     Here at the BQ, we've always thought of 1968 as the worst possible year anyone could have lived through.......assassinations, riots, Vietnam, Richard Nixon.

                     But 68's been far eclipsed.  Not just with a demented ignoramus as President, both unfit for the office and unfit as a human being. But with this new horrendous spectacle.......schoolchildren forced into adulthood, literally pleading for their government to protect them from violent death inside their schools.

                    BQ Memo to the Florida kids:   We're humbled by your passion and courage......but you will never, never convert GOP lawmakers to pass legislation to save your lives.  You're talking to empty vessels, people who've sold their souls, whose hearts long stopped beating, whose minds long stopped functioning in any recognizable human way.

                    And in Baby Orange, you're dealing with someone who barely passes for human at all, who needs a cheat sheet to pretend to mimic a President.
                     Vote them out. Toss out the garbage.

                     It's your only hope.

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