Thursday, February 8, 2018


Into The Water by Paula Hawkins (2017)   What a pleasure to come up for air after gasping for breath through this one......(and not in a good way)

           Paula Hawkins snatched the Golden Ring with "The Girl On The Train"......the book became the thriller to read and the movie duly followed........with Emily Blunt giving it her all playing Hawkins' drunken, neurotic, unreliable murder witness.

             Nope. Not this time. The Sophomore Slump hit Hawkins with a vengeance.

             If describing this book makes it sound more than slightly ridiculous, don't blame us.

             It is more than slightly ridiculous. And seriously annoying.

             We imagine Hawkins considered this story a bold, ambitious reach......instead of "The Girl On The Train"s one principal dysfunctional character, the author serves up an entire English village of obnoxious screwups........each of them with long held, deep dark secrets, closets jam-packed with skeletons.....

              You could lose to will to live digging your way through the multiple points-of-view of this woeful bunch of liars, murderers, pedophiles, rapists and assorted other crazies....

               You could also, after a while, stop caring altogether about who did what to whom and why. Mostly, we prayed for it to end.

                All these wack-a-doodles live in a town that sits on the bend of a river........and conveniently provides a deep dark pool which generations of women and girls either fall or get pushed into......

                 This pool evidently holds enough underwater female bodies to populate an Esther Williams MGM musical number.......that is, if Esther ever decided to stage a "Night Of The Living Dead" water ballet.....

                  The BQ highly recommends you stay dry and far away from this swirling pool of confusion. Not worth the time or trouble. 1 water-logged star (*).

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