Monday, February 12, 2018


          Well, this is a true first for the 16 months or so that we've been blogging, we've never done a post involving an actor who, unknown to us, died the very same day of our post.......

           We might have sounded less than complimentary to Gavin in our review of "OSS 117:Murder For Sale".......

            But then, neither was anyone else for the rest of his movies.....

            Tall, dark and handsome, Universal groomed him as a duplicate Rock Hudson. And Gavin did his job damn be tall, dark and handsome and provide a Hudson-like presence in films like "Imitation Of Life" and "Midnight Lace".

            He had what you could generously call a serviceable acting range for a leading man in the 50's and 60's.  At least he didn't embarrass himself or the films he starred in.

             And it's possible that if he'd continued his acting career, he might have lucked his way into working with directors who'd push him past his limits in some challenging roles.

             But John Gavin went on to bigger things in life, in both the business world and field of Latin American diplomacy, serving as Ronald Reagan's ambassador to Mexico.

              Maybe the movies won't miss Gavin so much, but the BQ (and film fans around the world)  will surely never forget the sight of him tearing away the wig and dress from Anthony Perkins' Norman Bates in "Psycho". 

               So his iconic place in movie history stays forever. Rest In Peace.

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