Tuesday, February 27, 2018


              We started this blog out of a lifelong romance with books and films......

               Political punditry was the last thing on our mind.......

               But that was before the U.S. and the world were plunged into the evil maelstrom of Baby Orange, a literally bottomless pit of stupidity, racism and depravity.

                So we think of this post as just another movie or book review.......of an ongoing series that mixes equal parts of satirical low comedy and bone chilling horror.

                More horror than comedy. 'Cause at the end of the day, you realize you can't walk out of the theater to escape the fear and loathing.  It's all too real.

                Baby Orange, that bubbling fountain of courage, bravery and fortitude, claimed he would have run into the Parkland Florida school and confronted the AR-15 armed shooter with his own tiny bare hands......

                Yes, the same Baby Orange who used five draft deferments to avoid military service, the same Baby Orange who engaged in twitter fights with Gold Star mothers and war widows......the same Baby Orange who declared John McCain wasn't much of a war hero because he got captured.

               The same Baby Orange who let some 80 year old victim of a fall bleed all over the Mar-A-Lago marble floor cause Baby Orange couldn't stand the sight of blood......

                After we got done laughing hysterically, we thought how much Baby Orange reminds us of the Sheriff Of Nottingham in the Errol Flynn "Adventures Of Robin Hood".   While Flynn's Robin Hood battles umpteen castle guards, the chubby Sheriff hangs back.....muttering "If I could only reach him!"

                 Yeah, right.

                 It's a wonder that weather forecasters around the country didn't report sudden strong breezes........the updraft from millions of people shaking their heads in disbelief.......

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