Saturday, February 10, 2018


                   Greetings from the dark side of the moon.......otherwise known as the Trump Presidency

                  Baby Orange won't release the Democratic memo......jeez, and here we thought the memo from Nunes, Baby O's favorite dancing monkey, was all about transparency......getting all the facts out to the public......

                    Oh. So maybe it........was.....a con job after all?  A Baby O smokescreen? Oh my, what a shocker.

                   Baby Orange decrees a Grand Military Parade   So much fun to imagine this once-in-a-lifetime spectacle......A five time draft dodger reviewing his troops........A bullying coward who picks fights with war widows and mocks POWs and Gold Star families.....and now he can't wait to proudly puff up his orange, McDonald's fattened cheeks at the sight of his very own North Korean Mardi Gras........proof positive that we're all living inside a Saturday Night Live skit.
                    Baby Orange offers best wishes to his departing wife beater......of course he did. We understand Rob Porter got a wonderful farewell letter......."Dear Rob, Good luck in your future should lay off the punching, though......just grab 'em by the pussy and you could even end up as President."

                    The BQ offers Baby Orange an alternative the interest of saving millions of taxpayer dollars, we offered this parade idea as surefire money-saver.....

                    How 'bout a "I'm Innocent, I Deny It!" parade.....featuring a nonstop lineup of Baby Orange-endorsed wife-abusers, pedophiles, and assorted harassers.......featuring Roy Moore leading vast platoons of teenage cheerleaders, Steve Wynn and rows of Vegas showgirls,.......and Baby Orange himself, riding atop an "Access Hollywood" bus......

                      And last and certainly least......

                     Omorosa weeps with remorse at the thought of Baby Orange  Funniest, Emmy-worthy performance of the week......and most tantalizing promo for her threatened book.  We're still not sure if the tears were digitally added. As Robin Roberts so succinctly put it.....Bye, Felicia.

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