Sunday, February 17, 2019


One Day In December by Josie Silver (2018)   We normally don't go anywhere near books like this.......but not necessarily because we're way outside their target demographic.......

             We hardly feel the need to read romances.......since BD (Beloved Daughter) constantly screens her inexhaustible supply of rom-coms and doomed-lovers Blu-Rays and DVDS........

              This book, a selection of Reese Witherspoon's Book Club, tumbled into our hands from the pile of BD's Christmas presents......

               And BQ visitors know by now that we'll read or watch matter how far afield it lies from all the stuff we're supposed to like.........(like red-blooded thrillers and distinguished  literary best sellers.....)

                So, Reese, save us some scones and sweet tea.....we crashed your club and read one of your prime picks.....

                What we've got achy-breaky romantic triangle of epic proportions, with a movie-ready cast of London millennials......all cute, handsome, beautiful, witty....etc, etc....

                 Laurie and Jack make a soulmates-at-first-glance connection when they spot each other at a bus stop........but oh the agony.....she doesn't get off the bus to meet him and he doesn't get on.....

                After a year of searching and pining for him, Laurie's stunned when her glamorous, extroverted roomie Sarah brings home her hot new's none other than Jack.

                 Unwilling to spill the beans and demolish her sister-like bond with Sarah, Laurie spends years in a gut-wrenching, uncomfortable platonic friendship with secret true love Jack........and the unspoken romantic triangle becomes a quadrangle when Laurie attempts to rebound with an uppercrust wealthy banker named Oscar........

                   Poor Oscar........anyone who's sat through or read even one single romance know this shmuck's fate..........and our immediate sympathy goes out to whatever luckless actor has to take this role in any film version.........

                  No, we won't go on with the painful ups and downs that plague our two destined-to-be-forever cutie-pies over the years........other than to say the book delivers the......uh, how do they put it..."all the feels" in its final pages........

                   If this isn't your cup of sweet tea 'n scones, then stay far away. But if it is, we'd air-kiss about 2 1/2 stars (**1/2)......(that's cause it takes one hell of a long, slow-paced time to get to its inevitable swoony climax....)

                   But thanks for letting us sneak into the club, Reese........we'll go right back to our suspense thrillers......hope you don't mind, we grabbed a few scones to go......



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