Wednesday, February 20, 2019


No Exit by Taylor Adams (2019)    We've rolled our eyes often enough at book reviews that trumpeted....."I read it in one sitting!........Kept me up into the wee hours!.......You won't get any sleep til you finish the last page!"...........

                Yeah, right.

                But here's the real deal. No kidding, this one kept us breathlessly flipping the pages.....deep, deep into the night........way past our bedtime.

                  The delicious girl Darby finds her herself stranded at a highway rest stop during a raging Colorado blizzard........along with four other wayward travelers..........

                  Wandering outside in a useless attempt to pick up a cellphone signal, Darby discovers one of her fellow rest stop strangers harbors an abducted 9 year old girl in their vehicle.......imprisoned in a cage.

                    But which one of them?  The charming, handsome fellow college student? The bickering middle age couple? Or the decidedly weird creepy guy......described by Darby as...."a walking Amber Alert"?   

                   No more plot from us, you'll want to tear through the pages to see what happens next.  From that point on, the book launches into a rollercoaster of outrageous, stunning twists, jaw dropping reversals of fortune..........and a punishing, grisly duel back-and-forth between Darby and...........(oh no no no........sealed lips here. Just grab the damn book and start reading)

                   What a pleasure to give out the BQ's ultimate rating of 5 stars (*****), a genuine stay-up-all-night FIND OF FINDS........

                    If you want to say hello when the movie opens, we'll be the first one in line at the box office.  In the meantime, clear your calendar and dive into the book.........and just like those book review cliches, don't expect to finish before the wee hours......

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