Monday, February 11, 2019


Toomorrow  (1970)    First.......we did NOT misspell "tomorrow"........

                It's the name of the pop group in this movie....."too" blended with "morrow".......get it? Get it?  Groovy, baby, groovy.

               And the group (and their movie) make the Golan-Globus "Electric Boogoloo" films look like Merchant-Ivory 'Masterpiece Theater' Henry James adaptations.........

                Imagine what kind of movie would emerge from an unholy alliance between James Bond Mogul Harry Saltzman and the legendary pop music producer/songwriter Don Kirschner......(the master puppeteer of pre-fab, manufactured bands like The Monkees and the cartoon Archies)

                 Even our nuttiest out-there dreams couldn't come close to the absolute lunacy of the movie these two show-biz lizards vomited out together.......

                 Fall in love at first sight with 22 year old Olivia Newton John in hot pants, lead singer of 'Toomorrow', along with three Kirschner-cloned imitation Monkees.......all of them students at a Performing Arts college in the throes of student protests against stuffy old-school administrators.....

                 In a sane film, this would serve as more than enough plot for an innocuous, bubbly pop musical.....Elvis pumped out dozens of these things working with even less storylines...........

                   But wait! There's more!

                   Aliens From A Dying Planet hover above Earth.......and think those 'electronic vibrations' emanating from Toomorrow will re-vitalize their crumbling civilization.....honest.

                   Olivia and the gang find themselves beamed up into the alien ship......(the craft and its flat-faced generic aliens look like leftovers from deleted scenes in "Barbarella"....)

                  Rather than spend an enforced eternity healing the aliens with their Kirschner-ized bubble-gum pop tunes, the kids scram back back to Earth in escape pods..........cause, they've got a gig to play tonight!

                   We swear on everything that's holy to us ((Hitchcock, Morricone and pork fried rice) that everything we've described here happens......

                    To nobody's surprise, Alpha-Moguls Saltzman and Kirschner engaged in a Clash Of The Cash-Stuffed Titans........and the film became nothing more than the painful, embarrassing aftermath of their squabbling.......dooming it to obscurity.......and so traumatizing to Newton John, she didn't try another movie until 8 years later in "Grease"

                      Kirschner, later to become famous (and roundly ridiculed ) for his droning, monotone emceeing of TV music specials, no doubt harbored dreams of turning the fictional Toomorrow quartet into a viable pop attraction......complete with even more movies, albums and concerts......

                      Ah well.......we can't fault Don for his big dreams.......and the movie's a demented hoot from beginning to would take us forever to detail all the madness.......(including stuff like Olivia's college boyfriend nicknaming her "Bush-baby".....)

                        Written and directed by one of our all-time favorite British sci-fi masters Val Guest, it's a fab, fab one-of-kind Ultra Guilty Pleasure.......3 stars (***)........we know Olivia Newton John wants to forget this ever happened......but sorry, we're Hopelessly Devoted to "Toomorrow"......


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