Monday, February 25, 2019

OSCAR MIRE...........WRAP-UP THOUGHTS.........

           Well it's over......thank God........the last nail in the awards season coffin.......

           No Host?   Did anyone miss a host?    Raise your hands if you missed  Jimmy Kimmel marching hapless tourists into a theater to watch "A Wrinkle In Time"......No hands?   Bueller? Bueller?

             Glenn Close snatches defeat from the jaws of victory......we do feel sorry for Close, but we agree with another pundit who bemoaned that tiresome bleat........."after 7 failed nominations, her time has come, this is her year, blah, blah..."     Cary Grant and Alfred Hitchcock never got competitive Oscars either.....probably losing repeatedly to people whose...."time had come".  To hell with that whole 'give-'em-an-award-cause-they're-overdue bullshit......

              "Green Book" win enrages the woke Social Justice Warriors.......a perfect snapshot of the divisive, convulsive cultural/political landscape we now live in........decades ago, a film like this would be hugged and kissed by, it's roasted as one of the worst Best Picture choices ever.....(depending on who you talk to)   Welcome to the Arts in the toxic age of Trump.....

              The " In Memoriam"'s where the Academy Board really stepped up their game (if their game is provoking both their members and audiences into bitter anger) increasing the number of outrageous snubs in the death parade.......Dick Miller, Stanley Donen, Carol Channing, Gary Kurtz, R. Lee Ermey.........this year,, they really really really wanted to piss everybody off.  Mission Accomplished.

               That idiot who walked up the podium posting on his phone......... If there's Karma.....he'll drop it in the toilet while he's Instagramming one of his bowel movements........

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