Saturday, February 23, 2019


Jonathan (2018)    And we thought our post on the insufferable "Damsel" would be our last word on pathetically untalented poseurs pretending they're filmmakers.......sucking up undeserved applause from equally egotistical film festival juries........

                    Here's one even worse. This stillborn, unwatchable piece of crap makes "Damsel" look like 'Citizen Kane'........

                    This is as much as we can between the constant mini-naps we took throughout the excruciating torture of this film's 100 minute running time.....

                      Ansel Elgort plays in the same body. They work it out in shifts, the introverted, quiet. nose-to-the-grindstone Jonathan lives in the daytime.........his outgoing, freewheeling 'other'. Jon comes out at night........

                      So Ansel #1 and Ansel #2 don't get much sleep altogether.........and what's even worse, they fall into a relationship with the same girl.

                       Naturally, the Ansels get their wires crossed......literally......since their doctor (Patricia Clarkson) stuck an actual wire in Double-Ansel to keep their lives straight........need we go on?

                      Who knows, in the hands of a real moviemaker, this premise might have made for a passable thriller or a goofy switch on a romantic comedy.

                       Not happenin' here.

                       Nothing but worst-of-the-worst film festival sludge.......suitable only for consumption by festival juries. Static scenes going nowhere, no pacing. absolutely nothing to engage anyone who might be engaged at the initial idea..

                      We doubt even the director's immediate family could sit through this all the way.

                       Enough time wasted on this AFH  for sure....ABOMINATION FROM hell with it.

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