Saturday, February 9, 2019


               Baby Orange takes yet another shot at John McCain........deep down, B.O. knows that even a now dead and decomposing John McCain would will still make a better President than a live Baby Orange.......

                Baby Orange threatens war if Congress continues with its "ridiculous investigations".....the sound you heard after that was Congress, Robert Mueller and prosecutors of the 3rd District of New York going.....heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh........

                  Baby Orange whines over 'Presidential harassment'..........White House aides searched for a pacifier large enough to fit in Baby Orange's  mouth........ultimately he settled for an hour of sucking on Sean Hannity's nipple.......

                   Baby Orange credits people of faith for "the abolition of civil rights"........possibly a misstatement.....but who knows........what he meant to credit them with was the abolition of their morals and sanity in support of Baby Orange

                  Matt Whitaker, the make-believe Attorney General snipes at Congressman....."your 5 minutes are up...".........Baby Orange's performing seal, who looks like the dopey SPECTRE minion who gets killed in the first 3 minutes of every James Bond movie, puts on a clown show strictly for his boss.   And the world gapes in revulsion at the sight of the quintessential Trump appointee.......both arrogant and stupid beyond all known measurements..........

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