Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Freefall by Jessica Barry (2018)   One thing thriller writers love as much as their own mothers.....setting up two storylines that run side by side.....and then converge 'em....

                   Here's a goodie in the genre, a perfect read for long air flights or a warm cozy night at home.....

                  Allison's a young woman who's fallen into the clutches of creepy Big Pharma reptile and his equally sinister minion.....

                    Maggie's her estranged mom, coping with the bad news that Allison and the Pharma Creepizoid have crash landed in the Colorado wilderness......both presumed dead.......

                    You will win a double-stuff Oreo cookie if you guess all is not what it seems.....and per our usual policy for reviewing thrillers, that's all the the plot you'll get from us.....

                    3 & 1/2 stars (*** 1/2)........nicely done and a fine way to make it through a few of these cold winter nights.......(or make it through a flight where you're vacuum-packed into seats like sardines, waiting for police to escort a squabbling passenger off the plane.......)

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