Wednesday, February 13, 2019


                It's like a plague, come to think of it.......

                The rampant stupidity of Trump and his Trumpanzees.........a disease of lies, hatred and simple, plain idiocy seems to have infected the country like a malignant virus........

                 How else could anyone explain the decision of the Oscar chiefs and ABC to consign the awards for best cinematography and editing to commercial other words, exclude them and hide them from the ceremony.

                  There's no rational way to describe it........other than stupidity on an unimaginable scale.....

                  We understand ABC's part in this.......pathetic corporate greed, their futile attempt to shorten the broadcast in the hopes to attracting higher ratings.......

                    And given that these particular nominees don't involve films from ABC's parent company Disney, that makes them easy targets.......

                     Except for the fact that all of these corporate morons didn't muster enough brain cells to envision the whirlwind they'd reaped.......putting on a movie award show in which the people who photograph movies and the people who edit movies aren't seen winning their awards.

                    Whoever thought of this idea is in the wrong job.........for such a staggeringly block-headed imbecile, they should receive an honored place in Donald Trump's cabinet. They'd fit right in.

                     We can only look forward to the nominees and winners taking their time to rake the Oscars over the coals for this......during the live broadcast. 

                    Let 'em have it, folks.........nobody deserves it more.

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