Thursday, February 28, 2019


               What a day......what a everybody had their masks ripped off, exposing them to us all.........with only the singers garnering love and respect......

                   Michael Cohen............the deepest irony of this testimony.......presenting himself as a cautionary tale to Republicans.......warning them that sacrificing their brains and souls to become Baby Orange minions will ruin them.  Any of 'em smart enough to take Cohen's words to heart?  Nah.

                   In any case, The hearing proved a spectacular showcase of Cohen's refurbished,  new persona......with the Mask Of Thuggery ripped off by looming prison time, we all got our first good look at Cohen 2.0......humbled, contrite, ready for his whuppin'.......Sincere?  Who long as the documentation he presented hold us.....

                   The GOP  It's ridiculous to keep addressing them by their official titles (Senator, Congressman, etc, etc)  They serve neither the country nor the Constitution........they've reduced themselves to worms, minions in the service of one man only. Their Public Servant masks have melted right off their faces.

                     Baby Orange....... just couldn't leave the Hanoi summit without disgracing himself and the office he's entirely unfit for. B.O. takes Kim Jung Un at his word.......that the tubby little tyrant, murderer of his own family members, knew nothing about utter destruction of the imprisoned young American Otto Warmbier.   As if Baby Orange needed to remind anyone  any further of what a hellish, bottomless abyss of a human he is......that mask of International Statesman come sliding right off.....

                    But on a happier note, not all the unmaskings were toxic.......

                   The Masked Singer.   We normally despise the plague of network singing competitions, but who could resist this one?  Celebrities performing their hearts out while decked out in ornate, bizarre costumes that look left over from Fellini's "Satyricon".......they had us at hello. And we don't mind admitting we had as much fun as the celebrity panel in trying to guess their identities/  Mindless, cheesy fun......and we can't wait for Season 2......

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