Saturday, February 2, 2019


                  Baby Orange claims his Intelligence chiefs were 'misunderstood' when they completely contradicted him.......can somebody break it to him that they all testified under oath and we all watched it on TV?

                    Baby Orange says  his Intelligence chiefs need to "go back to school"........and also advised them to spend less time in the office and more time watching Fox News, playing golf and tweeting at 5 am..........

                   "We're already building a wall..." says Baby in what's left of his mind.......but if Baby Orange truly thinks he's building a wall, maybe he should explain to that thousands of government employees who stood in line at food banks to fee their families.......

                    Baby Orange bemoans all the money he's lost by becoming President.......and the country bemoans the democracy we've lost by Baby Orange becoming President........

                    Sarah Huckabee Sanders thinks God wanted Baby Orange to be President......memo to Sarah from the Highest Authority........"Dear Sarah........please re-read the commandment about not worshiping false idols.........I'm thinking of throwing in addendum...."also thou shalt not keep lying for false idols every time you open your mouth..."    Best wishes for all your future endeavors....God."

                    Starbucks CEO contemplating running as an Independent Presidential candidate.......Memo to anyone who would ever contemplate throwing their vote away on this character.......ask all the people who voted for Ralph Nader how much they enjoyed their years under George W. Bush..........

                       and finally......a Super Bowl a fair, just and sane Universe, the cheating New England Patriots and their MAGA Trumpanzee Tom Brady will be crushed into the dust, as they richly deserve...…..

                        Sadly, we never said this was a fair, just and sane Universe...….(otherwise we wouldn't have Baby Orange in the White House)…….but here's hopin'...…..(and hoping the game doesn't interrupt the commercials too much......

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