Monday, September 16, 2019

'THE RECKLESS OATH WE MADE'........OH WHAT A KNIGHT.................

The Reckless Oath We Made by Bryn Greenwood (2019)    How much do we LOVE this effin' book.........

               Let us count the ways..........

               Before even starting, let's flat out state GET THIS BOOK. NOW.

               Not every author who attempts something like this can pull it off.........a contemporary fairy tale for adults.......fanciful, at times hilarious, achingly heartbreaking, yet chock full of today's current miseries........drugs, crime, violence, falling-apart families.......

                 And what a Princess we have in the middle of this non-stop swirl of dysfunction......Zee, a hot-tempered Rubenesque redhead with a trainwreck family, including a gorgeous, ditzy younger sister who's gotten herself kidnapped by a bunch of neo-Nazi KKK prison escapees........

                 To her rescue (and to help Zee rescue her wayward sister) comes Gentry, an impossibly noble, wanna-be Knight who's way up on the autism scale and speaks only, as a Knight should, in Medieval English. The three invisible Medieval voices who speak to him have told him 'Lady Zee' is his  designated Fair Damsel to protect and defend........

                   And so he does.........which leads to any number of terrible and wonderful things........and we wouldn't dream of spoiling the fun of this amazing book by telling you anything more.

                    Nutty as a fruitcake?  You bet.

                   One hell of a funny, sexy, thrilling, suspenseful, heartwrenching read?  You better believe it.

                  Okay, everyone should probably know by now how we'll rate this book......

                  5 Knightly stars (*****) happy at long last to stumble upon another FIND OF FINDS.  Dig in and prepare to stay up with it all's that good.  And believe it or not, after we've ranted and raved on this topic........for once, the author blurbs on the back cover are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

                  It's recklessly great, says BQ.


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