Thursday, September 19, 2019

'COLD STORAGE'...........FUNGUS AMONG US........

Cold Storage by David Koepp (2019)   Fungus zombies!  People and animals bursting like gut-filled balloons!  Headless rats snapping at you!  Gallons and gallons of green ooze!  And bikers with curved flatscreens!......(don't ask)

                  What more could you want in a book?

                  Screenwriter David Koepps's first novel is already movie-ready.......stuffed to the max with snarky, funny characters who spew out a perpetual stream of gags while avoiding (or succumbing to) a rampaging fungus from outer space.......

                   This insidious, sentient fungus, infinitely smarter than any of the people in the book, infiltrates some unlucky humans, along with a deer and a cat.  Once the fungus starts eating away at your brain, you do its bidding........

                   ...........which means coming as close as you can to other humans, so you can projectile vomit more fungus-goo into their mouths........and make more Fungus Zombies.....

                      Koepp doesn't skimp on the science here, and his research and  assorted medical info is as exhaustive as anything in a Michael Chricton novel.........but let's get real, no one's reading this book for a detailed treatise on fungus........

                       You damn well know why we'd pick this one up at all.

                       Goo! Gore!  Fungus Monsters!  And even an unlikely pair of lovers whose survival you root for......

                        And a whole cast of minor-league idiots (including those doomed bikers)  who look and sound like they wandered out a Stephen King other words......Primo fungus food!

                       Don't wait for the inevitable movie when you can enjoy all this fungus goodness right now......with a book that gives a whole new meaning to the Greening of America......4 stars (****)

                        (And if you do decide to wait for the movie, then wait a little longer for the DVD, make sure you make it a double feature with "The Green Slime"....)


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