Monday, September 30, 2019


The Institute by Stephen King (2019)     Some readers expressed distaste at King taking swipes at Trump in the course of his latest epic Good Vs. Evil smackdown.......

                   Not that we mind, of course.......

                   How could he not?  Trump's twice as scary and dangerous as any monster King ever created.......completely unhinged, malevolent and armed to the teeth with America's nukes......and a bigger clown than Pennywise......

                   If that doesn't give you the all-night willies, nothing will........

                   What goes on in King's super-secret government-backed 'Institute' may seem inspired by Trump's war on immigrant toddlers, but for faithful King reader's, it's nothing new.......

                   Uncle Stevie's been terrorizing, torturing and slaughtering innocent kids throughout his long career.......and as we, his readers, well know, when his powerful forces of evil do final battle with his good guys, the payback is monumental.......but achieved only at a terrible, heartbreaking cost........

                   No Stephen King character who survives to the final pages does so unscathed . They end up traumatized forever by the memory of the sweet innocent souls who don't make it to the final pages...

                    What's fascinating here: the 'the-end-justifies-the-means' quandary at the heart of this book. The Institute kidnaps and imprisons kids with telepathic or telekinetic abilities, murdering their parents while scooping them up.......

                      The endgame - to supersize and weaponize the kids' powers to the point where they can obliterate,via mind power remote control,  assorted global bad actors......terrorists, dictators, or anyone else we might deem a threat to world order......

                     This process involves perpetual physical abuse and Jospehy Mengele-style medical torture of the kids (which special emphasis on rectal thermometers).........the end result fries what's left of their brains, leaving them as gibbering, drooling zombies.....(fit only to attend Trump rallies).

                     And the Institute's staff is more than up to this mission, consisting almost entirely of  the worst collection of bullies, thugs,  psychopaths, and mad scientists that King's ever assembled for one single book.

                      Before long, your heart's breaking and aching for the children and you hunger for Armageddon to drop down on the Institute's coterie of odious creeps. ........(and you know that sleepy little South Carolina, middle-of-nowhere town introduced in the early chapters will have something to do with it....)

                       We suppose you could call the book political, in that the Institute, its moral compass gone haywire, justifies its obscene, unspeakable acts........much in the same way Trump's minions twist themselves into pretzels defending  Dear Leader's  obscene, unspeakable acts....

                     But who cares?  Whatever your politics, this book's a typical King thrill ride from start to finish.  And what would the Fall season be without that, we ask you. 4 stars (****)



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