Wednesday, September 11, 2019

REMEMBERING 9-11............

                   No essays.......I couldn't write a coherent article on this even if I set my mind to it........only random thoughts come to mind.

                   The overwhelming evil imagination it required to create such a singular, spectacular, horrifying moment of history.  In the space of a few minutes, Osama Bin Laden took his place beside Adolf Hitler as one of the world's master strategists of agony, death and grief.......

                   The terrorists' lasting legacy......if nothing else, they forever turned air travel into hell on earth........a never-ending ordeal of security miseries and an overall aura of unease, tension and sometimes violent rage between passengers and airline employees........

                      Their other lasting milestone........endless wars, courtesy of the real president at the time, Vice President Dick Cheney, feeding thousands of young American soldiers into the Middle East meat die in a U.S. led invasion of a country that had nothing to do with 9-11.
When Cheney's medically tinker-toyed heart finally stops beating, he'll take his place along side Bin Laden........

                       And most importantly.......the end of invulnerable mainland America, which forever changed how we viewed our country and ourselves......something new entered our collective psyche.......fear, anxiety......and suspicions.......

                        ........starting with the country's divisions that cracked and widened ever deeper........and all the hatred, bigotry and phony, overblown patriotism that infected the nation.......eventually culminating in the election of Donald J. Trump, the most deficient human being and unfit President in United States history.

                       We can celebrate the bravery and courage of the first responders and survivors.....and marvel at the gleaming glass tower built to replace the World Trade Center......

                      .......but the devastation of Ground Zero still lives in everyone's hearts........

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