Monday, September 23, 2019


The Emmy Awards........shocker.....NFL football crushed Emmy in the ratings........let's discuss.....

               Stream a little stream with me......We'd love to know how many actual people subscribe to how many of these multiple streaming services.......and who many actual people ever find the time to watch the 800 million hours of programming belching forth from all these streams..........

                The Fox some middle school class clown hiding in the back row, this idiot would whisper stupid one-liners that only he would think are funny..........why didn't Fox just give this guy a jar of vaseline, some tissues and let him masturbate in a closet?

                The Kardashians mocked.........for us, the glowing highlight of the entire 3 hours, the penultimate moment of moments. The best true incident of reality TV ever........

                  Ken Jeung.......Ken, you're no longer practicing medicine, but every time you appear, you're a walking, talking rectal thermometer.......

                 Game Of Thrones.........Irony personified.......the most beloved cast assembled......from a show with the most despised, reviled final episode in television history......

                The Purple Carpet.........watching this, you can detect the real reasons these awards shows are bleeding viewers........Memo to Hollywood:  Take a listen out there........the sound you hear's the rising revulsion, disgust and general boredom with the parade of preening egos you put on display........listen carefully and you'll hear the sound of a million eyes rolling upward during the phony, fawning humility you spew out upon accepting an award.........

                  In other words.......this crap's gettin' old......let's switch to the game......

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