Saturday, September 14, 2019


                  Baby Orange at last explains why he's orange.......those damn energy saving lights......combined with 8 daily quarts of Rogaine to perpetuate the 2 or three actual remaining hairs on B.O.'s head......

                   Baby Orange rushes to ban E-cigarettes and vaping........declaring our nation's kids should stick to dying the old-fashioned American way.....with AR-15 bullets in their skulls and guts...

                  Baby Orange kicks out John Bolton........for not falling head over heels in love with Kim Jung Un......Bolton's already halfway through his memoirs, taken right right off a microphone hidden in his mustache......

                     Baby Orange minion Wilbur Ross threatened to fire Weather Service scientists who didn't agree with B.O.'s 'Alabama Hurricane' myth......and also forcing them to sign a statement that Kansas tornadoes will really take you to Oz if you click your ruby slippers 3 times.....

                  .Baby Orange warns the Bahamas are sending us "very bad people"........well, rest least they're not 'bad hombres', which is what the Mexicans were sending no huge sombreros and criss-crossed cartridge belts......

                    Baby Orange's National Debt goes up to 1 Trillion Dollars.......and claims this amount can decrease if only more military units pump up the economy by staying at Trump Resorts......

                    Baby Orange reminds us all that he's "A Very Stable Genius" in a tweet.......and we can only hope he finds a very stable padded room in a very stable  psychiatric hospital.....very soon.

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