Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Call Me Evie by J.P. Pomare (2019)    BQ's blown out some hot  'n cold views  as we've plowed through the never ending stream of Unreliable Narrator thrillers.........

                I mean, Holy Crap, did Gillian Flynn ever open the floodgates with "Gone Girl" or what?.

                From all these copycat authors, we now have enough disappeared, dysfunctional women to fill up an NFL stadium several times......

                 Some of these novels were a kick to read..........some were a chore.........and few of them were flat out punishments from hell to get through........

                 Good news:  this one's a kick. And with a solidly delivered kick-in-the-teeth at the end that everyone's come to expect from a book like this. 

                So off we go to the middle of effin' nowhere in New Zealand, where an odd, odd couple are hiding out as if fugitives from......who knows?

                17 year old "Evie" (real name: Kate) appears to be a semi-captive of her "Uncle" Jim (you guessed it - not her uncle...)  

                Jim's a dangerously hot tempered middle aged guy who spirited away Kate from her Australian home, possibly one step away from her arrest on a murder charge. But of whom?  And why? 

                    While keeping her on a short leash with non-stop sedation and constant surveillance, 'Uncle'  hopes to heal Kate's blocked memory of the Big Bad Thing she may or may not be accused of...............

                   From this point, author Pomare resorts to alternating flashback chapters that ever-so-slowly start to fill in the blanks and snap together the puzzle pieces you'll need to figure out what's going on. 

                    But don't try too hard, cause you know by now, if you're  a thriller addict like us, that a couple of BIG TWISTS will upend the whole shebang........

                 Nicely done, a fast, clever read......crack this one open for a real gone Gone Girl.....
4 stars (****)


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