Wednesday, September 25, 2019


                   We're not anywhere naive enough to believe the Baby Orange Apocalypse has come at last.....

                    We feel for Speaker Pelosi. She didn't want this. At one point, she said of impeachment......."he's not worth it".   How right she was then. And still is.

                     First:  it's a waste of time. There aren't any more Republicans with minds capable of free will and moral clarity. (Those guys already resigned, headin' for the hills.)  Nothing left there but the rally Trumpanzees, they've drunk, gargled and bathed in the Baby Orange
Kool-Aid.   So impeachment will die in the Senate.

                      Yes, impeachment was inevitable.  The walking talking excrement posing as President would sooner or later commit enough illegal acts to make it mandatory that Congress take action.

                      And so he did. And so Congress did..

                      But back in days of Nixon's impeachment, almost everybody believed in democracy as the guiding principal of America........

                       No longer true. Baby Orange's cult base, his 39 per cent or whatever, they've bailed out of democracy. They want laws, no lawmakers, just King Baby Orange to take care of them, coddle them, tell them how wonderful he is........and tell them Mexico will pay for the wall.

                       They look upon impeachment not as a required constitutional procedure to check a rogue President........but as a repudiation and thwarting of their will.  Like the hordes of walking dead in the movies, they'd aggravate the civil war already raging......"Revenge Of The Deplorables".......

                        And that's why BQ cannot whoop up and down about this, as much as we loathe and despise the Orange Fungus.........

                       In our humble opinion, November 2020 is the only one true way to rid the United States of this cancer.........

                       Baby Orange needs to see how much the majority of the country hates him. And he needs to see it in the vote tally......definitively.

                      Of course he still won't leave, claiming the election was rigged as U.S. Marshals drag him out of the White House. But he'll be gone, probably to seek asylum in Russia or North Korea before New York City 3rd District prosecutors announce their litany of felony charges.

                      So let the impeachment play out, as it must. But nothing will come of it and all the
woo-hooing and yay-ing won't make the outcome any different........

                      Ultimately, the voters will decide the fate of Baby Orange, not Nancy Pelosi and the Dems and all the pundits.

                     And in this graceless, course, contentious day and age, that's the only way it's going to get done.


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