Saturday, September 7, 2019


                Baby Orange and his Sharpie.......he's already used it to finish writing his memoir......which consists of his signature on a Outback Steakhouse it resembles an Executive Order...

                 Baby Orange steals money from schools for military pay for his wall......and reassures all Trumpanzees that's what he meant when he screamed out "Who's gonna pay for the wall?!!!!" 

                  Baby Orange recommends Pence stay at B.O.'s Ireland resort..... with a promise of  a discount on the room rate and all gay guests transferred to other hotels during the VP's stay......

                   Baby Orange diverts 10 Billion dollars to aid the hurricane recovery in Alabama....any money Alabama doesn't need will be used to for new Mar-A-Lago hot tubs.....

                    Baby Orange has the Air National Guard stay at his Scotland golf resort....on their way to Middle East deployment......America sleeps safe tonight........knowing that Baby Orange's golf course is under the mighty protection of the U.S. Military.......(who get a slightly lesser discount on their room rates than Mike Pence, but hey, it's not's business....)


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