Saturday, June 20, 2020


Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)

    Cora, that "Trump 2020" T-Shirt is kind of loose on you......we guess they don't make 'em in sizes for Coronavirus?

CORA:   No prob, Flesh-Nerd, I'm goin' to the Tulsa rally incognito, so it's the perfect disguise......

BQ:   You're really planning to attend?

CORA:  With bells on, Bud!  Trumpy doesn't want to think about me anymore and his Trumpanzees don't want to wear you can bet your ventilator I'm gonna run wild and infect the whole ****in' crowd!  Like Miley Cyrus's a Party In The USA!

BQ:  Let's move on the the Weekly Madness, shall we?  How about John Bolton and Trump?

CORA:  Oh, you mean the remake of 'King Kong Vs. Godzilla'?  I thought that wasn't out til next year....

BQ:  Personally, we can't think of two people who deserve each other insane warmonger and an insane draft dodging coward......

CORA:  Now you know why I never accepted a job in the White House......cause when you get fed up enough and leave, Trump ends up calling you a Wacko or a Coffee Boy.....

BQ:   Wait.....YOU were offered a job in the administration?

CORA:   Yep.....Homeland Security.....he wanted me to work the border and infect all the Bad Hombres tryin' to sneak into the country.....

BQ:   Moving on........let's cover the this week's looney-tune tweets......Trump says the Supreme Court and people who wear masks don't like him......

CORA:   I got breaking news for Trumpy.......with the exception of those dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks redhats goin' to his rallies.....NOBODY likes him.....and I'm gonna be thinning out the redhats once they suck me into their lungs tonight......just me, ALL lives don't matter!

BQ:  Good to know. By the way, did you celebrate June Nineteenth?  According to Trump, it never existed until he mentioned it.....

CORA:  I wouldn't dream of missing honor the day, I infected an extra amount of minorities!

BQ:  You've been doing that all along, haven't you?

CORA:   Shhhh! Trumpy doesn't want you to know that. Classified info!

BQ:   Like the the supposed classified info in Bolton's book?  That's already in 100,000 copies in circulation that people have quoted from? 

CORA: You're never any fun to talk to. Gotta go, I'm gonna be late for the rally tailgate parties......lotsa beer and hardly any mask wearers....

BQ:   Always a displeasure to work with you, Cora. Here's a splash of hand sanitizer to send you on your way.....

CORA:    Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!  You ruined my shirt......but that's okay.....I bought a new one that's much better for the rally....Check it out.....Trumpy and Ivanka designed it especially for mass gatherings...

BQ:  Wow....'Only Trump's Life Matters' appropriate.

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