Wednesday, June 24, 2020


The Giant Mechanical Man Poster
The Giant Mechanical Man (2012) exactly the kind of tiny, inconsequential independent film you'd expect us to stomp on.......with both feet.

                 What can we say?  Call us crazy, but.......the damn thing charmed us, seduced us with its simple sweetness......totally revealed us as a born sucker for romance........

                  The spark here is the gentle chemistry between actors Chris Messina and Jenna Fischer, playing those standard indie tropes, the two lost souls buffeted by a cold, hard world that they can't seem to find their place in. 

                    Messina's a unique street mime, outfitting himself in stilts and silver paint as a towering silent robot. Fischer's an emotionally adrift introvert whose disconnect from people renders her unable to hold even temp jobs. 

                    Shouldn't these ultra-sensitive oddballs find each other and fall into a romance? Of course they should......and that's all this movie really has on its mind......

                     And maybe that's what won us over to this movie.....its complete lack of pretension, as well as the undeniable chemistry between Messina and Fischer. You're rooting for them every step of the way and for any romantic comedy, that 99% of the battle. 

                    It made us smile and in its subtle probing of what makes its boy and girl tick, it even made us do you go about finding your place in the world when you don't have the first clue?

                     Though long forgotten among the mountainous piles of independent romances, BQ says 'The Giant Mechanical Man' is worth remembering.......and seeing. 3 stars (***)

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