Saturday, June 13, 2020


Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

:  Cora The Coronavirus.....please tell us you won't stay long. It's very uncomfortable wearing this full Hazmat Containment suit......

CORA:  Cool your jets, Fleshpod. I thought you'd need some help wrappin' up this week's pile of crap....and who better than me?

BQ:  What's with the big floppy straw hat and sunglasses?  Are those flip-flops stuck on your tendrils?

CORA: Just enjoyin' the summer in all my favorite vacation spots.....Florida, Texas, Arizona......catchin' some rays and killin' off all those idiots who thought it was safe to party hearty!

BQ:  You leave us speechless, as always. Let's move on......what do you think about Trump's upcoming rally in Tulsa?

CORA:  Bring it on, I say. Fresh meat!  You should be thanking me, actually......when I get done with that rally, I'll have really thinned out the Trumpanzee population......less people to vote for him....

BQ:  Every cloud has a silver lining.......let's move on to Trump wanting to hold on to Confederate monuments and Army Base names.......

CORA:  Hey, I'm just a lethal virus with no knowledge of history.......which, come to think of it , is a pretty good description of your President.  Maybe I'm wrong, but......weren't all those Confederate guys traitors to the United States......just so they could keep black people enslaved?

BQ:  Yep.

CORA:  Ah, no wonder Trump wants to keep 'em forever enshrined. They're his kind of guys.

BQ:   Moving about your take on his Tweet in all caps......about 'those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it'......

CORA:   (CHOKING ON LAUGHTER)  Hoo boy, did that one ever backfire on him or what?  All he did was make people remember voting for him in 2016, thinking 'what have I got to lose?'

BQ:  Now they know, don't they?

CORA:  And they're sure as shit doomed if they repeat history.....heh, heh, heh. What's next?

BQ:   How about Melania re-negotiating her Pre-Nup?

CORA:   I had me a peek at that Prenup while I was floating around the White House.......jeez, it's thicker than "Gone With The Wind"  and basically the same story, since it's about a cold-hearted bitch who can't stand her husband.......I love the part in the prenup where she demands 60 minutes in a decontamination chamber anytime he touches her.......not that I blame her.... 

BQ:  Speaking of decontamination, Cora, I've got a disinfectant spray crew coming in here in 5 minutes..... 

CORA:  Gotta go.......don't forget you can order online my "Keep America Sick As A Dog" hats.....order 2 and I throw in photo of me and Trump together, arm in arm....Partners forever!

BQ:  Have a dash of sanitizer for the road.....

CORA:     Arrrrrrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhh.......

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