Saturday, June 6, 2020



Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

      Baby Orange wants us to believe  yesterday was a 'great day' for murdered-by-police victim George Floyd and that he's smiling down from heaven at the uptick in job numbers.....

              We thought it best to go directly to an inside source in Heaven itself........none other than Avenging Angel, whom you last saw tearing apart Nazis in "Raiders Of The Lost Ark"......

BQ:  Thanks for stopping by.......we must say, 39 years after your cameo in 'Raiders' , you still look......uh....nimble.

AA:   Why, thanks. A little touch of Botox here and there, the right diet.....and I try to hydrate and moisterize.........

BQ:  Let's get right to know everything going on up there in Heaven......was George Floyd  really smiling down on Donald Trump, thinking it's a 'great day' for him?

AA:   Listen, kiddo, I don't think anyone whose last moments on earth were spent getting slowly choked to death for 8 and 1/2 minutes thinks anything Trump proclaims down here is a 'great day'.  In what world are you livin' in?   Oh.....right......this one. 

BQ:  So you're telling us that George did not smile down on Donald Trump?

AA:   Does the phrase, "Aw HELL no!" ring a bell?

BQ:  Did he say that?

AA:  No, I just did. Are you paying attention?

BQ:  What did he say, if anything?  Can you reveal it to us?

AA:   Nothing. He's busy looking down on his young daughter.  He wouldn't waste one second of his eternity  up there on Donald Trump......and neither should anyone else, living or dead.

BQ:   Which brings us to our next burning question. Can't you go full 'Ark Of The Covenant' on Trump?  Make his head explode.....or melt into a puddle like a wax candle?

AA:  His head's been melting for the last 3 and 1/2's just taking a long time. You mortals down here are gonna have to finish him off on November's up to you.  After that, the Big Macs and fries and cokes will finish him off......permanently.

BQ:   If that happens and democracy is saved, I doubt he'll look down and smile.....

AA:  (hysterical laughter)  Look DOWN?   Are you serious?   From where Trump's headed, his only view will be from lookin' UP.

BQ: mean to say-

 AA:  Between you, me and the Big Kahuna up above, there's a whole suite booked for him.....down there......It's even got a flat screen tuned to MSNBC around the between reruns of the Rosie 'O Donnell show. And absolutely no Twitter.

BQ:  Couldn't happen to a more deserving creep. Thanks for the hot news.

AA:  Happy to oblige. You got any Gatorade?  I'm feelin' a little dry.........


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