Thursday, June 4, 2020


Warning Sign Poster

Warning Sign (1985)

  Unbelievable......Cora The Coronavirus shows up at our door again......this time with a film review?

CORA:   Lighten the **** up will ya.......who better to critique a virus movie than a ****ing virus!
And I'm willing to bet that all your little blogees never heard of this one..... or like you,  they're so ****in' old they don't even remember it.anymore.

BQ:  We're pretty sure we remember 'Warning Sign'......didn't it take place in some top secret government germ warfare lab, parked out in the middle of nowhere?

CORA:  Correct-o-mundo, flesh-puddle!    So this high-tech dump is cleverly disguised as an agronomy center, growin' corn on the cobs the size of Vin Diesel's penis.......until one of the hazmat-suited science nerds steps on a vial of stuff  that fell on the floor!

BQ:   -Which is filled, natch, with a deadly , highly contagious new virus....even worse than....than.....well, you.

CORA:  Yowza!  This germ's like me on steroids and soon the whole place gets sealed off, locked down......and the science nerds start droppin' faster than Kentucky Trumpanzees at a pool party!

BQ:   Funny, isn't that exactly how Trump thinks you were an accident in a Chinese lab?

CORA:   Listen, between you and me.....I was incubated in one of Baby Orange's farts while he was grazing on his 3rd Big Mac of the night.......but don't tell 'im, okay? 

BQ:  Why not reveal the truth?  He might  take pride in the accomplishment, proclaim he has .....the very BEST farts'.....

G.W. Bailey in Warning Sign (1985)

CORA:  Let's get back to the movie.......cause just like Trump's presidency......the worst is always yet to come......

BQ: How worse could it get? You just said the virus kills everyone.

CORA:  Au Contraire, you fool!  They're not dead yet!   They all rise up, sporting industrial-sized acne on their faces.......which turns 'em into super pissed off Virus Zombies!

BQ:   All of them?

CORA:   All except the head scientist who created the virus in the first place. On account of he's the smartest guy in the lab, the virus turns him into something like a Bond Villain Virus Zombie, leading all the others on kill parties to wipe out innocent people......

BQ:  Sort of like what Trump wants to do, using the military against U. S. citizens.....

CORA:   Now you know why I couldn't wait to get in here to review this movie!

Richard Dysart in Warning Sign (1985)

BQ:   Certainly sounds like the film was ahead of the curve.

CORA:    Yeah, but sorry to say, the ending blows chunks. Just didn't work for me......

BQ:  How so?

CORA:  Oh, it sucks on multiple levels.......the cutie-pie lab security bitch teams up with her husband, the town sheriff and some other science nerd.......and goddamn, wouldn't you know it-

BQ:  They come up with an anti-toxin?  A cure?

CORA:  Arrrrrrrrggggghhhh!  Don't even go there! Spoiler alert!  If it wasn't for that suck-balls ending, I would have given this movie 4 stars! (****)  So I'm droppin'  itdown to a goose egg......

BQ:  We agree to disagree, Cora. We thought the movie was terrific.....a fine cast, loads of suspense and action......and with a nice dash of horror too. So this blog's going with 4 stars (****).

CORA:  Then this is the last time I'm doin' you a favor with movie reviews......I was all set to come back to review my favorite germ movies...."The Andromeda Strain", "Outbreak"....."The Green Slime"

BQ:  Save your breath, we covered all those films already........but before you leave us, here's a cocktail to 'bout a splash of hand sanitizer for the road......

CORA:  (screaming) Arrrrrrrrrrrr.......make America sick agaaaaaaaiiiinnnnnn.......Vote Trump 2020!

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