Tuesday, June 2, 2020


BQ: Cora the Coronavirus........just when we think we've seen the last of you......

CORA:  Surprise, Suck-Wad!   I'm baaaacccck!  With no vaccine, yet I'm ridin' high......and between the pool parties and the riots in the streets, I'm havin' the time of my life......while ending yours. 

BQ:   What's that book you're holding up in one of your little tendrils?

CORA:  A bible, what else?   I took a selfie of me holding this up in front of a church.  For a public relations photo op.......I had to infect and kill 80 more people to clear out the place.....

BQ:  You mean, like Trump tear-gassed innocent peaceful protesters to clear the way for his photo?

CORA: You betcha. I learn from the master.

BQ:   That's idiotic. No one's going to believe you worship anything other than yourself....

CORA:  Same at Trump, right?  But even if every sane person in the world knew it was a joke, I couldn't resist trying it myself. After all, I consider Trumpy a huge apocalypse guru. He's tore this country apart so well before I got here, it made my job twice as easy......

BQ:   Is that really a bible you're holding up? 

CORA:   Are you kidding?   It's actually "Nursy's All Night Enema Party".......I looted it from a sex shop in New York last night!  Along with some other quality merchandise.......I got away with their hottest item.....an inflatable Melania Trump.....

BQ: That sounds weird and disgusting.

CORA: I know!  But unlike Trumpy, I didn't have to pay for mine!  Heh, heh, heh......

BQ:  Be gone, would you please.?  You and Trump may be the two worst plagues that ever afflicted this planet.....

CORA:   Why do you think I love the guy......a virus's best friend. Toodles!

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