Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Outer Banks (2020-Netflix)    To misquote Karl Marx.....Neflix has replaced religion as the opiate of the people.......

               Why the hell not........a Netflix binge, unlike fries, pizza and booze or a Sunday morning church service, won't leave you hungover, fat or thinking  Trump's your savior.......

                  True, 'Netflix 'n Chill' could lead to a loss of brain cells...... but in this day and age, if you're staying home, who's gonna know, except your family.

                   We've no intention of attempting any artistic defense of this series.......other than to say we savored, laughed through and enjoyed every guilty pleasurable, mad moment of it.......

                    Imagine if Michael Bay or some other ADD-afflicted idiot had directed every season of "Dawson'e Creek".......then dropped in huge indigestible chunks of "The Goonies".......

                    .......then imagine what "The Goonies" would look like if all the motor-mouthed kids in it were 17, hot tempered and horny.......and transferred from the Pacific Northwest to the sultry marshes and hurricane-tossed surf of South Carolina.

                     Oh wait, we forgot to throw in the close to nuclear class warfare between the substistence-level, low income teens and their mortal enemies, the uppercrust McMansion-dwelling bully-brats....leading to an ever escalating series of vicious brawls and ruinous pranks.....

                       Yep, there's treasure afoot, boys and girls......400 million in shipwreck gold. Our four plucky, wrong-side-of-the-bay teens are after it, but they face an overwhelming array of foes.....

                      ......this includes just about everybody else in their community......a collection of dumb, brutal cops, abusive, clueless parents, lethal drug dealers, random treasure-hunting thugs, the repulsive rich kids.......and a primary villain who favors shredding people with a grappling hook.....

                        Mayhem ensues......washed-ashore corpses, false accusations, perpetual nick-of-time escapes, regularly scheduled punch-outs with the rich brats., a Romeo and Juliet romance......and enough cliffhanging melodramatics to fill a dozen 'Flash Gordon' serials.......

                          Absurd?  Oh yeah. Ridiculous? To the max. Far-fetched?   Understatement of the year.......

                           But fun?   Like a ten hour gorge on pizza, fries and booze.........without any of the harmful side effects.......

                            And that, folks explains that while  the whole world suffers through its worst year ever..... Netflix is having their best.

                            There's no more rational, sane behavior in this series than you'll find in the White House these days......

                             The only difference between them....."Outer Banks" will entertain you.
Not kill you.   4 stars (****)

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