Saturday, May 23, 2020


BQ:    Not that we enjoy inviting Cora The Coronavirus to this site........but the horrible little creature insisted on doing our Weekend Madness Wrap-Up.......

CORA:  And who better than me?  There's only two ghastly entities responsible for all this misery and and Trump.  Since he's too busy tweeting to come here, you're stuck with me.

BQ:  Swell. Okay, I'll just prompt you and let you take it from there.

CORA:  Have at it, human-boy.......lay it on me.

BQ:   How  about Trump referring to over 94.000 dead as a 'badge of honor'

CORA:   Damn right it is!   For both of us together! I couldn't have racked up that kind of body count without Trumpy.  It's a badge I happily share with him......

BQ:   Next up......Trump touring a Ford plant with no mask on, just to spite reporters.....

CORA:  I'm lovin' it!  If his Trumpanzees follow his example, I can hit 100,000 dead before Father's day!   By the way, I heard he and Pence had masks custom made for themselves......each one features an arrow that points to the other, reading, "I'm with Stupid"......

BQ:   Where did you hear that?.

CORA:  Many people are saying it.....

BQ:  'Many people are saying'?  Isn't that Trump's line?  Speaking of 'many people are saying'.....what about Trump's taking that unproven, dangerous drug Hydroxychloroquine?

CORA:   God bless his tiny little overworked heart.......which the Hyrdroxy will screw up even more if I ever get to infect him.    Everyone should listen to him and sprinkle your frosted flakes with a few Hydroxy tabs every me on this, heh, heh, heh, heh

BQ:  Let's move on to Trump's crusade against voting by mail.....

CORA   Can you blame him?  All those poor dopes who voted for him, thinking, "What have I got to lose?"  You can bet your ass they know now!   So Trumpy certainly can't let those people vote again.

BQ:  Of course not.  Let's talk about Trump's demand that Churches open or he'll override the governors......

CORA:  Hallelujah!! Fling open those church doors and let EVERYBODY in! And sing out those hymns at the top of your lungs with plenty 'o spit-spray!  I'll be sittin' in the pew right next to you.....and who knows.....God willin', I can send you up to Jesus way earlier than you expected.

BQ:   Last topic, Cora.  Can you weigh in on Trump fleeing his press conference every time a woman asks him a touch question......

CORA:   That's a rude question and you're a rude person. Fake news! I'm leaving......

BQ:  Oh come on, Cora,  you're behaving like a whiny, cowardly little toddler.....

CORA:  Hey, I learned at the feet of the master......your President.

BQ:  This whole conversation's making us ill. Time for the Lysol.......(SOUND OF SPRAYING)

CORA:  Arrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh!!  That stuff may rid you of me, but not Trumpy!

BQ:  If only.........


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