Sunday, May 17, 2020


BQ:  Cora the Coronavirus.....just when we thought we were rid you.....

CORA:   Fat chance, Fleshy!  I'm here for the long haul.....ain't goin' nowhere til a vaccine chases me out.....

BQ:   Well, the President dubbed his vaccine program 'Operation Warp Speed'.....

CORA:  (HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER)  Oh's movin' at the same warp speed he uses to show you his tax returns.....heh, heh, heh, heh.......

BQ:  So why are you still hanging around?  We doused the room with Lysol....

CORA:  Isn't this a blog for movie and book reviews?  I stopped in to contribute a guest review!

BQ:   I'm afraid to even ask what you plan on reviewing.....

CORA:  My all time fave 'Outer Limits' episode, "It Crawled Out Of The Woodwork".  It's like someone did my biography!

BQ:  I thought your life story was pretty well covered  in "Contagion" and "Outbreak"

CORA:   Hell no. This one's the real deal. A cleaning lady in some science lab finds an industrial-strength dust ball in a corner........when she tries the vacuum on it, it turns into a giant energy sucking blob...... a mindless monster who drains the life out of anyone who comes near it......

BQ:  Hmmm.....that 's a fair description of both you and Donald Trump.

CORA:  I know!  Coincidence?  Who's to say?   Anyhoo......the jumbo blob, my hero, goes about its business just like me.......knocking off a whole bunch of poor suckers who die horribly, gaspin' for their last breath......

BQ:    I well remember that episode . Horrifying.

CORA:  Maybe to you, flesh-puddle, but that's what I call Feel Good television!

BQ:    As if this review wasn't disturbing enough, dare I ask how you would rate it?

CORA:  5 Blazing Microbes, baby! (*****) If they want to re-make it in color and widescreen, I'm available!  At least through next year........

BQ:    We've had enough of you for one weekend. Have some Lysol.......

CORA    Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!  I'm headed back to Texas anyway....the Trumpanzees love me there!  I'll be baaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkk.......

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