Sunday, May 10, 2020


        What a nice surprise........our favorite Mamma Bear stomped in for a quick Mother's Day chat.....

         Mama Gorgo, a rampaging 400 ft. reptile from the dawn of time, starred in her own world-famous 1961 film..........where she came ashore in London searching for her kidnapped baby who was being paraded around as a circus attraction......

          To put it mildly, Mama G. tore up the town....literally......until she successfully retrieved her infant and waded back to sea.

            Imagine our surprise, 59 years later, when she popped in for exclusive interview......

BQ:  Mama Gorgo!  You're lookin' awesome. Did you have some work done?

GORGO:  A whole lotta yoga, sweetie. Goat yoga, have you heard of it?  They let baby goats crawl all over you while you're in positions.....

BQ:    No offense, but you're kinda large for that activity, no?

GORGO: Yeh......after I ate about 546 goats  they finally kicked me out of the class.

BQ: So what've you been up to all these years?

GORGO:   I've been runnin' a whole franchise of fried seafood trucks.....didn't you ever hear of 'Mamma G's Fin-in-Out' ?

BQ:  That's your outfit? Damn!  I love your coconut shrimp!

GORGO:   Hey it's a living. No pension or Social Security for Jurassic Era lizards.....except maybe for Regis Philbin....

BQ:  So how's your little one?  He was only 50 feet tall when we last saw him.

GORGO:  The kid? Oy.....he's taller than me now......a teenager with attitude.   I grounded him for hanging out all night with a pod of killer whales....don't even get me started on the tattoos of porn stars he had done on his ass.......

BQ: you and Baby G. still hangin' out in the North Atlantic?

GORGO:  Still my crib, honey. Much better for social distancing.....and you don't have to worry about washing up.......except for that goddamn giant squid that keeps shaking hands.....

BQ:   Good to know you're staying safe.  So, you doing anything special for Mother's Day?

GORGO:  Baby G. served me breakfast in of the killer whales. That boy may be a rambunctious handful at times, but he loves his mama......

BQ:   And you are one big mother.

GORGO:  Why thank you, Sweetie.  Next to Godzilla's blog, I love yours second best!

BQ:     Wonderful to hear. Any Mom's Day message you want to leave for our visitors?

GORGO:    Sure do. Call your mothers. They miss you. Remember what I did to a whole city when I got lonely for my little boy....

BQ:  Words of wisdom indeed.  Happy Mother's Day to all moms.

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