Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Run Away by Harlan Coben  (2019)     Same old do I write a rational review of hot, hot best selling thrillers without spilling the multiple twists?

                Especially tough when dealing with a Harlan Coben book..........where the twists come at you like fastballs spitting out of a pitching machine...........

                 Okay, here's a much as I can spill without taking the fun out of reading it for yourself........

                 Wealthy New Yorkers Simon Greene and his wife Ingrid are besides themselves with worry.......their college student daughter has dropped out of sight after descending into drug addiction.......with the help her new, scuzzy, equally drugged-up boyfriend.......

                 Meanwhile...(there's always a meanwhile...) a seemingly unrelated hitman and hitgirl duo travel around the country, bumping off various people,their victims also seemingly unrelated to the main plot.......

                  Think Harlan Coben will connect any of these random threads?    Heh, heh, heh?    Does Donald Trump lie every day of the week?

                  As an extra added attraction, Coben throws in an especially creepy cult, guaranteed to give anyone the willies..........

                   I don't know if any of this book comes off as remotely plausible.........but who the hell cares?   Coben excels at making you tear through the pages into 3'O Clock in the morning.......keeping you wide awake until he rips the curtain off the final ground-shaking twist....

                  And that makes for prime entertainment. 4 stars (*****) for revealing any more twists.....shhhhhhhh..........

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