Friday, April 19, 2019


                 Baby Orange finally gets his very own Mob lawyer.......cleverly disguised as the Attorney for the USA, but then Baby Orange now has the best lawyer American taxpayers can buy for him......

                  Sarah Hard-Luckabee Sanders spins her lying on the Mueller a slip of the tongue.......A slip of the tongue?   Sarah easily wins the Brass Balls award this week.......her tongue's so twisted from lying, it hasn't seen its own tip in over 2 years........

                   Baby Orange rages against "bullshit" in Mueller Report........too bad he forgot to mention that it's all Under Oath with Perjury Prosecution penalties bullshit..........

                   Baby Orange almost equals Hilary's record for answering "I don't remember" and "I can't recall"......37 times........this after Baby Orange constantly boasted "I have the greatest memory...."......but then maybe he can't recall he said that.......

                     The Mueller Report reveals.....(hold your breath) paraphrase Claude Rains in "Casablanca"........we're shocked, SHOCKED to hear that Baby Orange is a lying, corrupt-to-his-soul scumbag, assisted into the Presidency by KGB assassin Putin..........and dedicated to destroying Democracy and the rule of law.....

                    .......oh.....wait a minute. Everyone with at least two or three working brain cells (this excludes the MAGA redhats) has known this for years.

                         Never mind.

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