Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Dressed To Kill (1980)      Baby Orange must have well remembered this film when he decided to kick transgenders out of the armed forces........

                   No wonder........they're all psycho, straight-razor wielding killers!  And these sickos are out to slice 'n dice superhot babes like Angie Dickenson and Nancy Allen!  Stop them before they multiply!   Not the babes, of course.....we mean those Jack The Trans-Rippers........

                    Well, that's as good as any explanation for what passes for Trump's thought process.......or lack thereof.

                    The movie?  Just another one of Brian De Palma's strenuous exercises in "Look at me! Look at me!  Look at me out-Hitch Hitchcock!!"

                      Not that isn't a hell of a lot of fun to watch. It is.......as long as you don't expect a real, thought-out movie..........

                      Hitchcock would spend a painstaking year or more with his designated screenwriters, hammering out a storyline that would somehow logically justify the all director's visual flourishes........

                       De Palma completely reverses this process -  his long bravura visuals come first......with his cobbled-together script, such as it is, tailored around them.

                        So nobody should even try to make any sense of what's going on here........which features a split personality trans whack-a-doodle stalking a high-end call girl who spotted him/her in the middle of his/her killing spree.......

                        It's not about the story, which De Palma couldn't care less about.......it's about his beautifully rendered, operatic, dialogue free sequences filled with terror, suspense, humor, anxiety and gorgeous, swooping camerawork..........or as Hitchcock put it, Pure Cinema........

                        Somewhere toward the end, for the benefit of anyone who'd care to figure out the plot, DePalma attempts a tortuous explanation/exposition sequence. If anything, it's even clumsier and lumpier than that notorious 'psychiatrist-lays-it-all-out-for-you' scene at the tail end of "Psycho"

                     Fear not, though. Once that scene's done, DePalma goes right back to his dreamy, creepy wham-bams to finish things up properly.......

                     What yanked me back to current events........while a character explains, in anatomically correct detail, a transsexual's surgical procedures to switch gender, you can see a restaurant patron in the background overcome with revulsion.............probably similar to Trump's if he viewed this film......(thereby discriminating against people who have infinitely more courage and bravery than Capt. Bone Spurs himself.....)

                     "Dressed To Kill" may barely qualify as a coherent movie...........but anyone who relishes the pure fun of 'pure cinema' shouldn't miss it.......3 stars (***) 




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