Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina, Part 2  (2019)    Once again, at the heartfelt request of BD (Beloved Daughter), BQ endured yet another engorged load of barely-lit,angst-ridden demonic teen noir.........

               I will give the makers of this series due credit........they've made barely-lit, angst-ridden, demonic teen noir a new genre all by itself. For better or worse, they own it.

                The 'worse' part?  You can almost hear the producers and directors of this show high-fiving each other at what they consider their genius idea.........making the episodes look like they've been illuminated by a 5-watt nursery-room night light........

                 BQ memo to the showrunners..........the art of cinematography, something unknown to you clueless dickwads, consists of selectively applying both light and shadow for maximum dramatic effect......check out classic horror films for examples.....
                 What cinematography does NOT involve, you imbeciles, is cloaking an entire show in pitch darkness, rendering it barely visible to its audience.  That's not creativity, it's just stubborn idiocy.......

                Let's move on to the better stuff........

                Doubling down on the crazy..........more wack-a-doodle melodrama with the Satan himself poppin' up regularly to mix things up.......yeah, baby, liked it a lot. Go for it.......

                The MVP of this show, (in BQ's humble opinion).......Lucy Davis as Sabrina's Aunt Hilda......hysterical, mumbling and muttering her dialogue, she steals every scene she's in.......she's like a throwback to the British "Carry On" movies.......a gem, funny as....uh.....hell.

                 Speaking of hell...........never seen a witch show that so fully embraces satanic worship with such rip-roarin' fervor.  Granted, sometimes they're having fun with it ("What the Heaven!" the cast frequently cries out in anger).........but mostly the show's as steeped deeply in Da Debbil as the evangelicals'  sold-their-souls devotion to Donald Trump.......

                 Let's put it this way, unlike "Hocus Pocus", none of the witches in "Sabrina" are ever going to mistake a guy in a cheap Halloween Shop costume as their Lord and Master.......not when the real thing stops in to say hello every other day......

                Special shout-outs to couple of individual of them's an entire tribute to the 1965 Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee "Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors", a movie that this show's demographic most certainly never saw or even heard of.......

                And let's hear it for the "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers"  homage, complete with duplicate plant-people and a creepy plant copy of Sabrina doing that 'Hey, stop, you're killin' us!' shriek from the 1978 Body Snatchers remake.........

                 By the time all theses nutso dramatics grind to a halt, the show promises a Season 3 where they all go to Hell.......for real........

                 Good move.......we heard Satan keeps the fires burning high down there........which means the lighting of Season 3 should be way brighter........who knows, they might even make the actors......uh......visible.

                  I sure in Heaven hope so........2 stars (**)

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