Wednesday, May 1, 2019


The Girl In The Spider's Web (2018)    What a dreary waste of time this is.........

                The James-Bond-ish main titles give you a clue as to what's ahead......

                 That badass hacker and scourge of all women abusers, Lisabeth Salander returns........only drained of all nuance, character or anything that made her a singularly unique fiction and film icon.......

                   Now, she's just another faceless, colorless action babe.......a black leather Bourne zippin' along on motorcycles and tasering guys' balls........Atomic Brunette, only less fun......

                    And the film plays like a cheaper, shorter knockoff of "Spectre"........with Salander confronting an evil bad apple that fell off her twisted family tree. 

                   I don't know why they went to the trouble of hiring a way over-qualified classy Brit actress like Claire Foy to play this part..........the way it's underwritten, they might as well have recruited one of the stunt girls from "Game Of Thrones".......

                    All the tropes of the last three dozen crappy action movies you watched are all in place here........even a ludicrous "nuke-the-fridge" episode borrowed from that last terrible Indiana Jones movie.......

                     1 star (*)......if you must have an action fix, wait'll it's on basic cable.......BQ advises don't pay anything extra for it.


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